About Us

facepageHi there and welcome to our website all about organic foods, natural remedies, and Fibromyalgia! The Admins for this site are Jeanette Sage-Cruz and Tara Canlett. We are two moms with Fibromyalgia sharing information about eating organic food and overcoming Fibro, while managing a busy life of working and raising kids.

We’re best friends that grew up together and remained very close, even after going our separate ways to get married and have kids. After receiving a diagnosis of Fibromyalgia, we have worked together on trying to feel better and discovered eating organic foods! Anyone can benefit from the information we are providing. It can be someone with Fibromyalgia or any other chronic illness/autoimmune disease. It can even be someone that doesn’t have any type of illness but would like to live a healthier lifestyle. We are sharing information about managing our busy lives while living with Fibromyalgia, raising kids and eating organic foods. There will also be information about natural personal care products and cleaners, ways to reuse, gardening, and hair/make-up products that are better for your hair and skin.

Read More About Our Story Here


The Canlett FamilyAbout Tara

I grew up in Olympia, WA with a sister and two step-brothers. I had a pretty normal childhood and ate all the typical american foods. Jesse and I met in high school and started dating. We got married in 2002 when he joined the Army. We moved to Barstow, CA for about a year and a half, and moved back to WA in 2004. Then we had Kailey and bought our first home. I worked full-time for the state as a Fiscal Analyst and Jesse went to college for 4 years to receive his bachelor of science in information technology. He is now a Computer Programmer. We then had Tyler and I was diagnosed with Fibro in 2012. I worked part-time shortly after, then decided to stay home in June 2014 to work on the blog and take care of my health and family. I like to read, write, watch movies, spend time with family and friends, ride my bike, cook, have fun with my kids, and help others.


The Cruz FamilyAbout Jeanette – Coming Soon